Join Wild at Heart for story time, a rock walk, and a hands-on activity.
Join us for Thomas L. Adams, Ph.D., Chief Curator and Vice President of Research, Witte Museum.
Join us for one of four identical sessions to learn about rocks and fossils.
Join us for one of four identical sessions to learn about rocks and fossils!
Do you have a health or mobility limitation? We want to give you a lift to the Land Bridge!
Join us for one of four identical sessions to learn about rocks and fossils!
Leave No Trace's 7 ethics are designed to allow people to coexist with wildlife. If we all do our part, we can keep our park natural and safe for all.
Betty Sutherland passed away peacefully in her home on June 23, 2024, surrounded by her daughters, Cathy Davies and Dianne Sutherland.
The Total Eclipse will occur in the early afternoon on Monday, April 8, 2024. Since we are in the path of totality, we are expecting large crowds. Here are a few tips so you can make the most of your visit.