The PHP Conservancy is now an official partner of Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace's 7 ethics are designed to allow people to coexist with wildlife. If we all do our part, we can keep our park natural and safe for all.

1. Plan ahead and come prepared

  • Dress for the weather

  • Pack water 

  • Wear close-toed shoes

  • Wear bug spray

2. Stay on the trail

  • It minimizes the impaction of the soil

  • It protects wildlife, especially ground-dwellers and ground-nesters

  • It keeps nearby wildlife calm when you stay on the trail

3. Dispose of Waste Properly

  • All waste, even food waste and mutt mitts

4. Leave What You Find

  • Take only pictures

5. Minimize campfire impacts 

  • Campfires and personal BBQ pits are not permitted in the park

  • Only use the built-in firepits for fire and grilling

6. Respect Wildlife

  • Keep your distance

  • Stay calm and quiet

7. Be considerate of others

  • Share the trail 

  • If you are listening to something other than nature, wear headphones. Don't use amplified music speakers