Stop by one of our Volunteer Greeter’s Tables to pick up a tree scavenger hunt in celebration of Arbor Day.
Take the scavenger hunt out into the park to complete the hunt!
This will be fun for the whole family!
The Greeters tables are set up at the PHP Urban Ecology Center and at the Salado Outdoor Classroom.
You can also stop by our table at the Trails and Trees event at Eisenhower Park for a Tree Scavenger hunt!
Volunteer Greeters at the Urban Ecology Center
About the Greeter’s
Saturdays, 9 a.m. to Noon: The Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy greeters are a dedicated team of volunteers who are out in the park every Saturday morning. They can help direct you to the places in the park you would like to see and answer questions. Stop by and say hi.
Nearest parking for the Urban Ecology Center is:
8400 NW Military Hwy, San Antonio TX 78230
Nearest Parking for the Salado Outdoor Classroom is:
13203 Blanco Road, San Antonio, TX 78216